Transfer categorical or continuous data across single-cell datasets. For
transferring categorical information, pass a vector from the reference
dataset (e.g. refdata = reference$celltype
). For transferring
continuous information, pass a matrix from the reference dataset (e.g.
refdata = GetAssayData(reference[['RNA']])
reference = NULL,
query = NULL,
query.assay = NULL,
weight.reduction = "pcaproject",
l2.norm = FALSE,
dims = NULL,
k.weight = 50,
sd.weight = 1,
eps = 0,
n.trees = 50,
verbose = TRUE,
slot = "data",
prediction.assay = FALSE,
only.weights = FALSE,
store.weights = TRUE
An AnchorSet
object generated by
Data to transfer. This can be specified in one of two ways:
The reference data itself as either a vector where the names correspond to the reference cells, or a matrix, where the column names correspond to the reference cells.
The name of the metadata field or assay from the reference object
provided. This requires the reference parameter to be specified. If pulling
assay data in this manner, it will pull the data from the data slot. To
transfer data from other slots, please pull the data explicitly with
and provide that matrix here.
Reference object from which to pull data to transfer
Query object into which the data will be transferred.
Name of the Assay to use from query
Dimensional reduction to use for the weighting anchors. Options are:
pcaproject: Use the projected PCA used for anchor building
lsiproject: Use the projected LSI used for anchor building
pca: Use an internal PCA on the query only
cca: Use the CCA used for anchor building
custom DimReduc: User provided \[SeuratObject]{DimReduc}
computed on the query cells
Perform L2 normalization on the cell embeddings after dimensional reduction
Set of dimensions to use in the anchor weighting procedure. If NULL, the same dimensions that were used to find anchors will be used for weighting.
Number of neighbors to consider when weighting anchors
Controls the bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel for weighting
Error bound on the neighbor finding algorithm (from
More trees gives higher precision when using annoy approximate nearest neighbor search
Print progress bars and output
Slot to store the imputed data. Must be either "data" (default) or "counts"
Return an Assay
object with the prediction
scores for each class stored in the data
Only return weights matrix
Optionally store the weights matrix used for predictions in the returned query object.
If query
is not provided, for the categorical data in refdata
returns a data.frame with label predictions. If refdata
is a matrix,
returns an Assay object where the imputed data has been stored in the
provided slot.
If query
is provided, a modified query object is returned. For
the categorical data in refdata, prediction scores are stored as Assays
(prediction.score.NAME) and two additional metadata fields: predicted.NAME
and predicted.NAME.score which contain the class prediction and the score for
that predicted class. For continuous data, an Assay called NAME is returned.
NAME here corresponds to the name of the element in the refdata list.
The main steps of this procedure are outlined below. For a more detailed description of the methodology, please see Stuart, Butler, et al Cell 2019. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2019.05.031 ; doi:10.1101/460147
For both transferring discrete labels and also feature imputation, we first compute the weights matrix.
Construct a weights matrix that defines the association between each
query cell and each anchor. These weights are computed as 1 - the distance
between the query cell and the anchor divided by the distance of the query
cell to the k.weight
th anchor multiplied by the anchor score
computed in FindIntegrationAnchors
. We then apply a Gaussian
kernel width a bandwidth defined by sd.weight
and normalize across
all k.weight
The main difference between label transfer (classification) and feature imputation is what gets multiplied by the weights matrix. For label transfer, we perform the following steps:
Create a binary classification matrix, the rows corresponding to each possible class and the columns corresponding to the anchors. If the reference cell in the anchor pair is a member of a certain class, that matrix entry is filled with a 1, otherwise 0.
Multiply this classification matrix by the transpose of weights matrix to compute a prediction score for each class for each cell in the query dataset.
For feature imputation, we perform the following step:
Multiply the expression matrix for the reference anchor cells by the weights matrix. This returns a predicted expression matrix for the specified features for each cell in the query dataset.
Stuart T, Butler A, et al. Comprehensive Integration of Single-Cell Data. Cell. 2019;177:1888-1902 doi:10.1016/j.cell.2019.05.031
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# to install the SeuratData package see
# for demonstration, split the object into reference and query
pbmc.reference <- pbmc3k[, 1:1350]
pbmc.query <- pbmc3k[, 1351:2700]
# perform standard preprocessing on each object
pbmc.reference <- NormalizeData(pbmc.reference)
pbmc.reference <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc.reference)
pbmc.reference <- ScaleData(pbmc.reference)
pbmc.query <- NormalizeData(pbmc.query)
pbmc.query <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc.query)
pbmc.query <- ScaleData(pbmc.query)
# find anchors
anchors <- FindTransferAnchors(reference = pbmc.reference, query = pbmc.query)
# transfer labels
predictions <- TransferData(anchorset = anchors, refdata = pbmc.reference$seurat_annotations)
pbmc.query <- AddMetaData(object = pbmc.query, metadata = predictions)
} # }