Subset an AnchorSet object
# S3 method for class 'AnchorSet'
score.threshold = NULL,
disallowed.dataset.pairs = NULL,
dataset.matrix = NULL, = NULL,
disallowed.ident.pairs = NULL,
ident.matrix = NULL,
object to be subsetted.
Only anchor pairs with scores greater than this value are retained.
Remove any anchors formed between the
provided pairs. E.g. list(c(1, 5), c(1, 2))
filters out any anchors between
datasets 1 and 5 and datasets 1 and 2.
Provide a binary matrix specifying whether a dataset pair is allowable (1) or not (0). Should be a dataset x dataset matrix.
Grouping variable to determine allowable ident pairs
Remove any anchors formed between provided
ident pairs. E.g. list(c("CD4", "CD8"), c("B-cell", "T-cell"))
Provide a binary matrix specifying whether an ident pair is allowable (1) or not (0). Should be an ident x ident symmetric matrix
further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
Returns an AnchorSet
object with specified anchors
filtered out