This function takes in a list of objects that have been normalized with the
method and performs the following steps:
If anchor.features is a numeric value, calls SelectIntegrationFeatures
to determine the features to use in the downstream integration procedure.
Ensures that the sctransform residuals for the features specified
to anchor.features are present in each object in the list. This is
necessary because the default behavior of SCTransform
is to
only store the residuals for the features determined to be variable.
Residuals are recomputed for missing features using the stored model
parameters via the GetResidual
Subsets the scale.data
slot to only contain the residuals for
anchor.features for efficiency in downstream processing.
assay = NULL,
anchor.features = 2000,
sct.clip.range = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
A list of Seurat
objects to prepare for integration
The name of the Assay
to use for integration. This can be a
single name if all the assays to be integrated have the same name, or a character vector
containing the name of each Assay
in each object to be integrated. The
specified assays must have been normalized using SCTransform
If NULL (default), the current default assay for each object is used.
Can be either:
A numeric value. This will call SelectIntegrationFeatures
to select the provided number of features to be used in anchor finding
A vector of features to be used as input to the anchor finding process
Numeric of length two specifying the min and max values the Pearson residual will be clipped to
Display output/messages
A list of Seurat
objects with the appropriate scale.data
containing only the required anchor.features
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# to install the SeuratData package see https://github.com/satijalab/seurat-data
# panc8 is a merged Seurat object containing 8 separate pancreas datasets
# split the object by dataset and take the first 2 to integrate
pancreas.list <- SplitObject(panc8, split.by = "tech")[1:2]
# perform SCTransform normalization
pancreas.list <- lapply(X = pancreas.list, FUN = SCTransform)
# select integration features and prep step
features <- SelectIntegrationFeatures(pancreas.list)
pancreas.list <- PrepSCTIntegration(
anchor.features = features
# downstream integration steps
anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(
normalization.method = "SCT",
anchor.features = features
pancreas.integrated <- IntegrateData(anchors, normalization.method = "SCT")
} # }