Preprocess the multi-omic bridge and unimodal reference datasets into an extended reference. This function performs the following three steps: 1. Performs within-modality harmonization between bridge and reference 2. Performs dimensional reduction on the SNN graph of bridge datasets via Laplacian Eigendecomposition 3. Constructs a bridge dictionary representation for unimodal reference cells
reference.reduction = "pca",
reference.dims = 1:50,
normalization.method = c("SCT", "LogNormalize"),
reference.assay = NULL,
bridge.ref.assay = "RNA",
bridge.query.assay = "ATAC",
supervised.reduction = c("slsi", "spca", NULL),
bridge.query.reduction = NULL,
bridge.query.features = NULL, = "lap",
laplacian.reduction.key = "lap_",
laplacian.reduction.dims = 1:50,
verbose = TRUE
A reference Seurat object
A multi-omic bridge Seurat object
Name of dimensional reduction of the reference object (default is 'pca')
Number of dimensions used for the reference.reduction (default is 50)
Name of normalization method used: LogNormalize or SCT
Assay name for reference (default is DefaultAssay
Assay name for bridge used for reference mapping. RNA by default
Assay name for bridge used for query mapping. ATAC by default
Type of supervised dimensional reduction to be performed for integrating the bridge and query. Options are:
slsi: Perform supervised LSI as the dimensional reduction for the bridge-query integration
spca: Perform supervised PCA as the dimensional reduction for the bridge-query integration
NULL: no supervised dimensional reduction will be calculated. bridge.query.reduction is used for the bridge-query integration
Name of dimensions used for the bridge-query harmonization. 'bridge.query.reduction' and 'supervised.reduction' cannot be NULL together.
Features used for bridge query dimensional reduction (default is NULL which uses VariableFeatures from the bridge object)
Name of dimensional reduction name of graph laplacian eigenspace (default is 'lap')
Dimensional reduction key (default is 'lap_')
Number of dimensions used for graph laplacian eigenspace (default is 50)
Print progress and message (default is TRUE)
Returns a BridgeReferenceSet
that can be used as input to
The parameters used are stored in the BridgeReferenceSet
as well