Install mixscape branch from Seurat.
remotes::install_github(“satijalab/seurat”, ref = “mixscape”)
Load required packages.
# Load packages.
# Download dataset using SeuratData.
InstallData(ds = "thp1.eccite")
# Setup custom theme for plotting.
custom_theme <- theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5), legend.key.size = unit(0.7,
"cm"), legend.text = element_text(size = 14))
Load Seurat object containing ECCITE-seq dataset.
# Load object.
eccite <- LoadData(ds = "thp1.eccite")
# Normalize protein.
eccite <- NormalizeData(object = eccite, assay = "ADT", normalization.method = "CLR", margin = 2)
RNA-based clustering is driven by confounding sources of variation.
# Prepare RNA assay for dimensionality reduction: Normalize data, find variable features and
# scale data.
DefaultAssay(object = eccite) <- "RNA"
eccite <- NormalizeData(object = eccite) %>% FindVariableFeatures() %>% ScaleData()
# Run Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality of the data.
eccite <- RunPCA(object = eccite)
# Run Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) to visualize clustering in 2-D.
eccite <- RunUMAP(object = eccite, dims = 1:40)
# Generate plots to check if clustering is driven by biological replicate ID, cell cycle phase
# or target gene class.
p1 <- DimPlot(eccite, = "replicate", label = F, pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "umap") + scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
ggtitle("Biological Replicate") + xlab("UMAP 1") + ylab("UMAP 2") + custom_theme
p2 <- DimPlot(eccite, = "Phase", label = F, pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "umap") + ggtitle("Cell Cycle Phase") +
ylab("UMAP 2") + xlab("UMAP 1") + custom_theme
p3 <- DimPlot(eccite, = "crispr", pt.size = 0.2, reduction = "umap", = "crispr",
ncol = 1, cols = c("grey39", "goldenrod3")) + ggtitle("Perturbation Status") + ylab("UMAP 2") +
xlab("UMAP 1") + custom_theme
# Visualize plots.
((p1/p2 + plot_layout(guides = "auto")) | p3)

Calculating local perturbation signatures mitigates confounding effects.
# Calculate local perturbation signature.
eccite <- CalcPerturbSig(object = eccite, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", gd.class = "gene", nt.cell.class = "NT",
reduction = "pca", ndims = 40, num.neighbors = 20, = "replicate", = "PRTB")
# Prepare PRTB assay for dimensionality reduction: Normalize data, find variable features and
# center data.
DefaultAssay(object = eccite) <- "PRTB"
# Use variable features from RNA assay.
VariableFeatures(object = eccite) <- VariableFeatures(object = eccite[["RNA"]])
eccite <- ScaleData(eccite, do.scale = F, = T)
# Run PCA to reduce the dimensionality of the data.
eccite <- RunPCA(object = eccite, reduction.key = "prtbpca", = "prtbpca")
# Run UMAP to visualize clustering in 2-D.
eccite <- RunUMAP(object = eccite, dims = 1:40, reduction = "prtbpca", reduction.key = "prtbumap", = "prtbumap")
# Generate plots to check if clustering is driven by biological replicate ID, cell cycle phase
# or target gene class.
q1 <- DimPlot(eccite, = "replicate", reduction = "prtbumap", pt.size = 0.2) + scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
ggtitle("Biological Replicate") + ylab("UMAP 2") + xlab("UMAP 1") + custom_theme
q2 <- DimPlot(eccite, = "Phase", reduction = "prtbumap", pt.size = 0.2) + ggtitle("Cell Cycle Phase") +
ylab("UMAP 2") + xlab("UMAP 1") + custom_theme
q3 <- DimPlot(eccite, = "crispr", reduction = "prtbumap", = "crispr", ncol = 1,
pt.size = 0.2, cols = c("grey39", "goldenrod3")) + ggtitle("Perturbation Status") + ylab("UMAP 2") +
xlab("UMAP 1") + custom_theme
# Visualize plots.
(q1/q2 + plot_layout(guides = "auto") | q3)

Mixscape identifies cells with no detectable perturbation.
# Run mixscape to classify cells based on their perturbation status.
eccite <- RunMixscape(object = eccite, assay = "PRTB", slot = "", labels = "gene", = "NT", = 5, iter.num = 10, de.assay = "RNA", verbose = F)
# Show that only IFNG pathway KO cells have a reduction in PD-L1 protein expression.
Idents(object = eccite) <- "gene"
VlnPlot(object = eccite, features = "adt_PDL1", idents = c("NT", "JAK2", "STAT1", "IFNGR1", "IFNGR2",
"IRF1"), = "gene", pt.size = 0.2, sort = T, = "", cols = c("coral3",
"grey79", "grey39")) + ggtitle("PD-L1 protein") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0,
hjust = 0.5))

Visualizing perturbation responses with Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA).
# Remove non-perturbed cells and run LDA to reduce the dimensionality of the data.
Idents(eccite) <- ""
sub <- subset(eccite, idents = c("KO", "NT"))
sub <- MixscapeLDA(object = sub, assay = "RNA", pc.assay = "PRTB", labels = "gene", nt.label = "NT",
npcs = 10, logfc.threshold = 0.25, verbose = F)
# Use LDA results to run UMAP and visualize cells on 2-D.
sub <- RunUMAP(sub, dims = 1:11, reduction = "lda", reduction.key = "ldaumap", = "ldaumap")
# Visualize UMAP clustering results.
Idents(sub) <- "mixscape_class"
sub$mixscape_class <- as.factor(sub$mixscape_class)
p <- DimPlot(sub, reduction = "ldaumap", label = T, repel = T, label.size = 5)
col = setNames(object = hue_pal()(12), nm = levels(sub$mixscape_class))
names(col) <- c(names(col)[1:7], "NT", names(col)[9:12])
col[8] <- "grey39"
p + scale_color_manual(values = col, drop = FALSE) + ylab("UMAP 2") + xlab("UMAP 1") + custom_theme