Developed in collaboration with the Technology Innovation Group at NYGC, Cell Hashing uses oligo-tagged antibodies against ubuquitously expressed surface proteins to place a "sample barcode" on each single cell, enabling different samples to be multiplexed together and run in a single experiment. For more information, please refer to this paper.
This vignette will give a brief demonstration on how to work with data produced with Cell Hashing in Seurat. Applied to two datasets, we can successfully demultiplex cells to their the original sample-of-origin, and identify cross-sample doublets.
Load packages
Read in data
# Load in the UMI matrix
pbmc.umis <- readRDS("../data/pbmc_umi_mtx.rds")
# For generating a hashtag count matrix from FASTQ files, please refer to
# Load in the HTO count matrix
pbmc.htos <- readRDS("../data/pbmc_hto_mtx.rds")
# Select cell barcodes detected by both RNA and HTO In the example datasets we have already
# filtered the cells for you, but perform this step for clarity.
joint.bcs <- intersect(colnames(pbmc.umis), colnames(pbmc.htos))
# Subset RNA and HTO counts by joint cell barcodes
pbmc.umis <- pbmc.umis[, joint.bcs]
pbmc.htos <- as.matrix(pbmc.htos[, joint.bcs])
# Confirm that the HTO have the correct names
## [1] "HTO_A" "HTO_B" "HTO_C" "HTO_D" "HTO_E" "HTO_F" "HTO_G" "HTO_H"
Setup Seurat object and add in the HTO data
# Setup Seurat object
pbmc.hashtag <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pbmc.umis)
# Normalize RNA data with log normalization
pbmc.hashtag <- NormalizeData(pbmc.hashtag)
# Find and scale variable features
pbmc.hashtag <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc.hashtag, selection.method = "mean.var.plot")
pbmc.hashtag <- ScaleData(pbmc.hashtag, features = VariableFeatures(pbmc.hashtag))
You can read more about working with multi-modal data here
# Add HTO data as a new assay independent from RNA
pbmc.hashtag[["HTO"]] <- CreateAssayObject(counts = pbmc.htos)
# Normalize HTO data, here we use centered log-ratio (CLR) transformation
pbmc.hashtag <- NormalizeData(pbmc.hashtag, assay = "HTO", normalization.method = "CLR")
Here we use the Seurat function HTODemux() to assign single cells back to their sample origins.
# If you have a very large dataset we suggest using k_function = 'clara'. This is a k-medoid
# clustering function for large applications You can also play with additional parameters (see
# documentation for HTODemux()) to adjust the threshold for classification Here we are using the
# default settings
pbmc.hashtag <- HTODemux(pbmc.hashtag, assay = "HTO", positive.quantile = 0.99)
Output from running HTODemux() is saved in the object metadata. We can visualize how many cells are classified as singlets, doublets and negative/ambiguous cells.
# Global classification results
## Doublet Negative Singlet
## 2598 346 13972
Visualize enrichment for selected HTOs with ridge plots
# Group cells based on the max HTO signal
Idents(pbmc.hashtag) <- "HTO_maxID"
RidgePlot(pbmc.hashtag, assay = "HTO", features = rownames(pbmc.hashtag[["HTO"]])[1:2], ncol = 2)